(904) 568-0439

Why Additional Living and Not Other Contractors?

Additional Living, Inc.

Here are a few of the reasons we feel set us apart from most other general contractors in the marketplace:

  • At Additional Living, we go the extra mile to communicate with you from the conception to the completion on all project details.
  • Your project is professionally managed. This means identifying scheduling and lead-time issues well in advance to ensure little to no down time.
  • We listen to your needs and concerns and work to ensure the quality that you deserve on your room addition or remodeling project.
  • We only use tradesmen with the highest level of professionalism and attention to detail.
  • We will complete your project on time and within budget.
  • We are committed to providing our customers with the highest quality of craftsmanship and materials. Through this commitment, we have formed excellent relationships with long-term, repeat clients and new clients through good old "word of mouth" advertising.